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Купить книгу AutoCAD 2016 and AutoCAD LT 2016 Essentials. Autodesk Official Press, автора Scott  Onstott
AutoCAD 2016 and AutoCAD LT 2016 Essentials. Autodesk Official Press
Learn AutoCAD 2016 quickly and painlessly with this practical hands-on guide AutoCAD 2016 Essentials gets you up to speed quickly, with hands-on instruction on the program's core features and functions. This new edition provides more manufacturing and landscape examples, a stronger emphasis on skills rather than tools, starting and ending files for every exercise, and a more clearly defined layout that separates the step-by-step instructions from the «why» discussion. Based on the real-world task of designing a house, the hands-on exercises help you quickly develop confidence and become productive with the software as you master the major 2D functions and move into 3D modeling. From layout to presentation, this in-depth guide takes you through the entire design process, and provides downloadable data so you can compare your work to the pros. If you're preparing for AutoCAD certification, this book is the ideal study guide – and the only one officially endorsed by Autodesk. This book is your unique learning resource that features concise, straightforward explanations and hands-on exercises. Each chapter opens with a quick discussion of concepts, and then briskly moves into an approachable, practical tutorial that helps you gain confidence in your new AutoCAD 2016 skills. Master the AutoCAD interface and basic 2D drawing skills Work with splines, polylines, hatch patterns, and gradients Organize objects with layers, groups, blocks, and cross-referencing Use constraints and layouts, print and export, model in 3D, and much more If you're a design professional, AutoCAD is need-to-know software. You have to be comfortable with it to be productive. AutoCAD 2016 Essentials gets you up and running quickly, with patient instruction and plenty of hands-on practice.
Купить книгу Autodesk Revit Architecture 2014. No Experience Required Autodesk Official Press, автора Eric  Wing
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2014. No Experience Required Autodesk Official Press
Learn Revit Architecture with an engaging, real-world continuous step-by-step tutorial This Autodesk Official Press book helps you become proficient with Autodesk's popular building information modeling software using an innovative continuous tutorial. It covers each phase of designing, documenting, and presenting a four-story office building, a real-world project you might expect to encounter on the job. Concise explanations, focused examples, step-by-step instructions, and an engaging hands-on tutorial make this Autodesk Official Press guide the perfect way to learn Revit Architecture. Expert author Eric Wing, first introduces the interface and Revit conventions and then moves directly into building modeling. You'll learn to place walls, doors, and windows, work with structural grids, beams, and foundations; add text and dimensions, and use dimensions as a design tool. As the building takes shape, you'll discover how to generate construction documentation, create schedules, consider site issues, and use Revit's rendering capabilities. Shows you how to work on a real-world design from start to finish Helps you to understand industry best practices and quickly become proficient with the user interface Explains how to effectively plan and create walls, doors, window, floors, and ceilings Details ways to create professional stairs and railings Walks you through using Revit's powerful dimensions, families, worksets, worksharing, and phase management features vEncourages you to show off your design with beautifully lit, fully rendered 3D scenes Autodesk Revit Architecture: No Experience Required features downloadable tutorial files so you can jump in at any exercise. It's the perfect resource for learning this essential BIM software.
Купить книгу Autodesk Revit Architecture 2015: No Experience Required. Autodesk Official Press, автора Eric  Wing
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2015: No Experience Required. Autodesk Official Press
Learn Revit Architecture the hands-on way For those who like to learn by doing, this Autodesk Official Press book shows you how to build a four-story office building one step at a time, providing you with real-world practice you might expect to encounter on the job. Concise explanations, focused examples, step-by-step instructions, and an engaging hands-on tutorial make this book the perfect way to learn Revit Architecture. In addition, you can download starting files for each chapter from the website in order to compare your work to the authors, or start fresh with any chapter in the book. Expert author Eric Wing first introduces the interface and Revit conventions, and then moves directly into building modeling. You'll learn to place walls, doors, and windows, work with structural grids, beams, and foundations; add text and dimensions, and use dimensions as a design tool. As the building takes shape, you'll discover how to generate construction documentation, create schedules, work with families, consider site issues, and use Revit's rendering capabilities. Here are some of the skills you can acquire from this book: Understanding Revit's interface, views, and grids Creating and editing roofs, railings, stairs, and ceilings Generating documentation and construction schedules Using advanced features like creating hosted families, system families, and formulas Autodesk Revit Architecture: No Experience Required is a completely self-paced guide. You can work along with the tutorial from cover to cover or jump in anywhere. No matter how you use this book, you'll be able to transfer the useful concepts to your professional practice.
Купить книгу CompTIA Linux+ and LPIC Practice Tests. Exams LX0-103/LPIC-1 101-400, LX0-104/LPIC-1 102-400, LPIC-2 201, and LPIC-2 202, автора Steve  Suehring
CompTIA Linux+ and LPIC Practice Tests. Exams LX0-103/LPIC-1 101-400, LX0-104/LPIC-1 102-400, LPIC-2 201, and LPIC-2 202
Boost your Linux+/LPIC readiness with practice tests for all exam domains CompTIA Linux+ and LPIC Practice Tests provide 100% coverage of all exam objectives for both the CompTIA Linux+ exams LX0-103 and LX0-104, and the LPIC exams 101-400, 102-400, and 201and 202, through 1,200+ expertly crafted practice questions. These easy to navigate practice questions cover the Linux+ and LPIC-1 exams, covering all 10 domains. The second part covers the LPIC-2 exam, covering all 13 LPIC-2 domains. An additional two 60-question practice exams per section help you gauge your readiness – and hone your test-taking strategy – well in advance of exam day, giving you the thorough preparation you need to approach the exam with confidence. You will also gain access to the Sybex interactive learning environment where you have access to all questions and can create your own practice tests based on areas further review is needed Master the skills and concepts on the LPIC-1 and the LPIC-2 exams Gauge your understanding with unique practice tests for each exam domain Identify weak points and prioritize your preparation Preview exam day with four 60-question practice exams Practice tests are among the most effective exam preparation strategies. These tests are designed to mimic the Linux+, LPIC-1 and LPIC-2 exams, giving you the practice you need to ensure you are fully prepared. This book can be used alone or with the Sybex study guides and deluxe study guides. Start preparing for your Linux certification today.
Купить книгу IC3: Internet and Computing Core Certification Living Online Study Guide, автора
IC3: Internet and Computing Core Certification Living Online Study Guide
Use the Internet safely and ethically in preparation for the IC3 exam IC3: Internet and Computing Core Certification Living Online Study Guide is your ideal study guide to focus on the Living Online exam module in preparation for the IC3 exam. This book covers working in a networked environment, using the Internet, electronic collaboration, and the safety issues surrounding online communication, presented in a clear, concise style. Hands-on examples and self-paced exercises show readers how to perform critical tasks needed to pass the exam, and the companion website offers study tools including the Sybex test engine, a pre-assessment test, practice questions, and videos. You will also have access to over one hundred electronic flashcards, and the chapter files needed to complete the exercises in the book. The Internet and Computing Core Certification exam measures a candidate on key and fundamental computing skills, ensuring their ability to get the most value and impact from computer technology. This guide focuses on the Living Online module of the IC3, testing your skills and solidifying your understanding in preparation for the exam. Review the basics of electronic communication and collaboration Master internet navigation and the networked environment Understand computing and the Internet's impact on society at large Brush up on the safety, ethical, and responsibility issues of Internet use When you are serious about certification, IC3 provides the practice that inspires self-confidence.
Купить книгу IC3: Internet and Computing Core Certification Computing Fundamentals Study Guide, автора
IC3: Internet and Computing Core Certification Computing Fundamentals Study Guide
Test how well you know your way around a computer for the IC3 exam IC3: Internet and Computing Core Certification Computing Fundamentals Study Guide is your ideal study guide to focus on the Computing Fundamentals exam module in preparation for the IC3 exam. This book covers hardware, software, peripherals, operating systems, and basic troubleshooting, presented in a clear, concise style. Hands-on examples and self-paced exercises show you how to perform critical tasks needed to pass the exam, and the companion website offers a diverse set of study tools including the Sybex test engine, a preassessment test, practice questions, and videos. Readers also gain access to electronic flashcards, and the chapter files needed to complete the exercises in the book. This guide focuses on the Computing Fundamentals module helping you test your skills and solidify your understanding in preparation for the exam. Review the various hardware components essential to the computer Understand which peripherals are crucial, and which are nice to have Brush up on basic troubleshooting for common minor issues Master your operating system and fundamental software When you are serious about certification, IC3 provides the practice that inspires self-confidence.
Купить книгу Искусство плести социальные сети, автора Гая Кавасаки
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Искусство плести социальные сети
120 правил от Гая Кавасаки: интерактивное руководство от легендарного IT-евангелиста (Apple, Google, Motorola). Создавайте идеальные посты, увеличивайте продажи и выжимайте из соцсетей максимум. Эксклюзив: только электронное издание.
Купить книгу Fuzzing: исследование уязвимостей методом грубой силы, автора Майкла Саттона
Fuzzing: исследование уязвимостей методом грубой силы
Фаззинг – это процесс отсылки намеренно некорректных данных в исследуемый объект с целью вызвать ситуацию сбоя или ошибку. Настоящих правил фаззинга нет. Это такая технология, при которой успех измеряется исключительно результатами теста. Для любого отдельно взятого продукта количество вводимых данных может быть бесконечным. Фаззинг – это процесс предсказания, какие типы программных ошибок могут оказаться в продукте, какие именно значения ввода вызовут эти ошибки. Таким образом, фаззинг – это более искусство, чем наука.
Купить книгу UX-стратегия. Чего хотят пользователи и как им это дать, автора Джейми Леви
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UX-стратегия. Чего хотят пользователи и как им это дать
UX-стратегия, или стратегия опыта взаимодействия (UX, User Experience), лежит на стыке UX-дизайна и бизнес-стратегии. Интернет продолжает предлагать потребителям бесконечный ассортимент цифровых решений. Каждый щелчок, жест или наведение мыши становятся решением, которое принимается пользователем. Пользователь постоянно сталкивается с выбором: покупать или не покупать, одобрить или высмеять, рассказать другим или забыть, завершить или отменить. Вы должны знать, какие возможности следует предлагать и как они используются людьми. Вы должны разбираться во всех последних и ожидаемых устройствах, платформах и приложениях, чтобы оценить возможность их применения в ваших решениях. Вы и ваша команда должны сделать все возможное, чтобы Алиса упала в кроличью нору и оказалась в Стране чудес.
Купить книгу Подпольный интернет. Темная сторона мировой паутины, автора Джейми Бартлетт
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Подпольный интернет. Темная сторона мировой паутины
Интернет – это не только социальные сети, интернет-магазины и поисковые сайты. Есть и обратная сторона интернета – своего рода цифровое подполье, где царит полная анонимность, а содержимое сайтов открыто только для своих. Там можно найти все что угодно, в том числе и то, что запрещено законом. И в этой книге будут раскрыты тайны этого «подпольного интернета».
Купить книгу Идеальный программист. Как стать профессионалом разработки ПО, автора Роберта Мартина
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Идеальный программист. Как стать профессионалом разработки ПО
Всех программистов, которые добиваются успеха в мире разработки ПО, отличает один общий признак: они больше всего заботятся о качестве создаваемого программного обеспечения. Это – основа для них. Потому что они являются профессионалами своего дела.
Купить книгу В стеклянной клетке. Автоматизация и мы, автора Николаса Карра
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В стеклянной клетке. Автоматизация и мы
Смартфоны, планшеты, навигаторы – наши верные спутники сегодня. На улице, дома и в поездках они помогают решать массу вопросов, общаться, развлекаться. С каждым годом люди доверяют все более серьезные задачи электронным устройствам, постепенно отвыкая делать что-либо без их помощи. Прогресс дает человеку многое, но отбирает – не меньше. Облегчая себе жизнь с помощью умных гаджетов, мы не думаем о том, что лишаем работы свой мозг и приближаем совсем нерадостные перспективы: компьютерную зависимость и следующую за ней беспомощность, дегуманизацию производственных отношений, упадок образования, потерю радости самостоятельного познания и созидательного труда в реальном мире.